Hei David,

I think Landon answered the question already sufficiently.

 From my perspective as Co-Project leader and Co-Maintainer:
- I would like to see that OJ is an OSGEO project, but
- We simply lack any human resources to fulfill the formal requirements :(

I may note, that more or less all projects that are OSGEO projects have 
a professional background (i.e. a company and/or a full-time maintainer 
that earns money with the software/support) while we are just a bunch of 
volunteers with some company support that is died to specific projects 
they can acquire (e.g. WFS plugin, Print plugin,...). This also prevents 
us from setting up any detailed development plans and we do not even 
have the human resources to set-up and maintain a proper webpage 
(running instead a wiki).

so... would be nice to, but...


Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> David,
> We have a new user list for OpenJUMP:
> We are trying to migrate our users to this new list.
> Some of the requirements for an OSGeo project our outlines here:
> http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/process/principles.html
> I've been reluctant to push OpenJUMP as an OSGeo project (although it
> is something I would like to see) because some of the requirements rub
> against the grain of our current programmer community. To become an
> OSGeo project you really need to adopt more formal governance
> procedures and policies. OpenJUMP has a rather informal programming
> community, and it seems there has been some pushback when I have
> suggested more formal policies in the past.
> Myabe we have evolved beyond this stage, but I'm still not sure. I
> think OpenJUMP would get a lot of publicity as an OSGeo project, but
> I'm not sure if it is currently worth enforcing a rigid structure on
> our contributin programmers and users.
> I do try to actively participate in OSGeo as a member of the OpenJUMP 
> community.
> I hope this answers some of your questions.
> The Sunburned Surveyor
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Sampson, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hey folks,
>> What is preventing JUMP from getting into the OSGEO Foundation?  Would
>> this not be a good thing?
>> Could this maybe be the catalyst to merging all the JUMP variants back
>> to one?
>> Why would the JUMP community not want to enter OSGEO incubation?
>> Just thought I'd poke and prod.
>> Cheers
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