Dear OJ user/developer.

I send this email to the devel list, as here rather the core people are listening and this is also a discussion list for us.

Now, I have read all the docs required for an OSGEO incubation. I will attach a rather lenghtly file where I added comments to the different questions/criteria.

A couple of things will require some work and mentorship but I think it would be doable to join OSGEO, as the restrictions in terms of managements seem not to be so tight (i.e. we are require to document the managment processes, but it is actually not said what management rules we should implement)

Here is a list of the major things that need to be done (see also the very end of the text file):

Summary - Major Issues with respect to human resources
. document (established) license policy
. code contributors need to agree to project's license policy (written form?). . do a Code Provenance Review - check of licenses in the source code (Ohloh may help here) => problem: we probably can not "GPL" or "LGPL" (i.e. relicense) source code that has been inherited from other projects, without the author permission (such code needs to be externalized into a library).
. found a Steering Comittee
. establish documentation on project management procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc. (see Project Graduation Checklist point B3)
. start documentation of project decisions
. define release rules and process (not sure if that is a requirement)
. provide marketing material (handout, feature-matrix)

. wiki + webpage transfer to OSGEO
. introduce automated testing system (junit)
. certification of standards?

The only thing I am personally struggling is the definition of release rules and a development plan if that is required (as this would play against our "I contribute when I like" idea)

I am awaiting your coments and a OJ-Joins-OSEGEO decision (+1: yes, 0: don't know, -1 too much work) from the regular contributors, i.e. at least an oppinion from:
Larry, Michael, Peppe, Andreas, Paul, Landon, Martin.

I also welcome oppinions from Jukka, Jon, Paolo, Eric, Geoff, Sascha, Lat/Lon, Intevation, Erwan, Arnd, Edgar, Ugo + Steve (if listening ;),... and who ever wants to

my personal vote: 0 (influenced by the work that needs to be done, listed above)

cheers from sunny Calgary
OpenJUMP joining OSGEO: walking through the criteria

OSGEO incubation docs:
   1.  General Principles of Incubation         - [sstein]: read
   2. Incubation Process                        - [sstein]: read
   3. Incubator Application Questionnaire       - [sstein]: read + answer see 
   4. Project Evaluation Criteria               - [sstein]: read + comments see 
   5. Incubation Mentor Guidelines              - [sstein]: read
   6. Code Provenance Review Process            - [sstein]: read
   7. Project Status Template                   - [sstein]: read + comments/ 
first fill-in see below
   8. Project Graduation Checklist              - [sstein]: read + comments/ 
first fill-in see below

see at the very end for a summary of major things to do 

OSGEO application form

1.  Please provide the name and email address of the principal Project Owner.
There is actually no "owner" but 2 persons with major admin rights
. Stefan Steiniger:
. Landon Blake:

2. Please provide the names and emails of co-project owners (if any).
. ---

3. Please provide the names, emails and entity affiliation of all official 
. I am not sure how to handle this, as we want to be as open as possible. That 
is some
people join and people leave.
.. regular contributors:
... J. Aquino (Ning, former VividSolutions Inc.) : 
... G. Aruta 
... P. Austin (RevolSys)
... L. Becker (among others ISA Inc.)
... L. Blake
... M. Davis (Refractions Res., former VividSolutions Inc.)
... M. Michaud
... A. Schmitz (Lat/Lon GmbH)
... S. Steiniger
... others: S.L. Teichmann, E. Lemesre, P. Rizzi, S. Holl, E. Jarvies
... former: S. Tanner, U. Taddei 
.. for a more complete list see:

4. Please describe your Project.

The project focuses on the maintenance and the further devlopment of OpenJUMP, 
which is 
a Java based desktop GIS. It is currently maintained by a community of 
under the umbrella of the Jump-Pilot Project. We have no strikt rules for 
Only repository write access is given after an informal approval by at least 2 
volunteers. The current development is resources driven. We do not have a formal
development plan except for the case of maintenance. In the last years we had 
about one
release a year. 

5. Why is hosting at OSGeo good for your project?
. it could encourage the project to adopt more formal guidelines
. publicity
. we feel that we are part of the OSGEO community

6. Type of application does this project represent(client, server, standalone, 
library, etc.):
. standalone desktop GIS

7. Please describe any relationships to other open source projects.

OpenJUMP emerged from the JUMP GIS that was developed by VividSolutions Inc. 
and Refreactions Research. The JUMP-Pilot Project was founded to 
internationalize JUMP and
to overcome a halt in the development of JUMP GIS that was reasoned by a 
limited funding for the JUMP Project. In the last 3 years we kept and 
intensivied connections to other JUMP forks such as deeJUMP from german Lat/Lon 
GmbH, SkyJUMP from US-american ISA Inc./Larry Becker, PirolJUMP from the German 
Pirol Projekt and SIGLE JUMP from french SIGLE. This has led partly to a the 
decisions for some of the pojects (SIGLE, deeJUMP, Pirol) to maintain OpenJUMP 
as common core while delivering additional functionality via plugins. Our work 
has been supported by Martin Davis, Maintainer of JTS and GEOS, who was the 
architect of JUMP and by Jon Aquino who was the main programmer of JUMP. As 
JUMP is build on JTS functionality we are keeping contact to the JTS maintainer 
Martin Davis. Occasional we also have information exchange with the projects: 
gvSIG, KOSMO, uDig, GeoTools, deegree and OrbisGIS, i.e. the other major Java 
GIS projects.  

8. Please describe any relationships with commercial companies or products.

.. previously and now involved companies (may be incomplete due to a lack of a 
track record)
... Vivid Solutions: original creator of the software (released it under an 
Open Source License: GPL)
... Lat/Lon GmbH: contribution in terms of function development on a project 
... Intevation GmbH: contribution in terms of function development on a project 
... ISA Inc.: contribution in terms of function development on a project base
... RevolSys: contribution in terms of function development on a project base
... Larry Becker: contribution in terms of function development on a project 
... CadPlan: in future we probably have contributions of function development 
on a project base

9. Which open source license(s) will the source code be released under?

10. Is there already a beta or official release?
. yes: OpenJUMP 1.2 (Release F)

11. What is the origin of your project (commercial, experimental, thesis or 
other higher education, government, or some other source)?
. commercial, government founded
12. Does the project support open standards? Which ones and to what extent? 
(OGC, w3c, ect.) 
. OGC: SFS, GML 2.0, WFS, WMS 1.1.1 
- Has the software been certified to any standard (CITE for example)? 
. no
- If not, is it the intention of the project owners to seek certification at 
some point?
. if we find somebody to pay for: yes, otherwise: no

13. Is the code free of patents, trademarks, and do you control the copyright?
. yes: in term of licenses (it is mainly GPL), no: in terms of author copyright

14. How many people actively contribute (code, documentation, other?) to the 
project at this time?
. 8 (in the last 4 months)
. 14 (past 12 months)

see also:

15. How many people have commit access to the source code respository?
. 18 people (inlcuding some people that more or less retired and 2 Google 
Summer of Code students)

16. Approximately how many users are currently using this project?
. no idea, but we have about:
.. 300 user-list subscriptions (old user list, 
new list since March 2008: 30) 
.. 70 on the developer list. 
. We had about 3000 downloads of Version 1.2 (Release F) from April to June 2008

17. What type of users does your project attract (government, commercial, 
hobby, academic research, etc. )?
. all of them, but focus is on educational + research + government + hobby

18. If you do not intend to host any portion of this project using the OSGeo 
infrastructure, why should you be considered a member project of the OSGeo 
. because of our tight links to other Java projects,
. we feel that we are part of the OSGEO family
. to improve our visibilty (attracting new users, developers, contributors)
. note: we can imagine to host our wegpage and wiki at OSGEO

19. Does the project include an automated build and test?
. automated build: yes
. tests (such as JUnit): no

20. What language(s) are used in this project? (C/Java/perl/etc)

21. What is the dominant written language (i.e. English, French, Spanish, 
German, etc) of the core developers?
. English

22. What is the (estimated) size of a full release of this project? How many 
users do you expect to download the project when it is released? 
. size: 
.. sourcecode (zip): 16MB 
.. binary (exe): 11.5 MB (without documentation)
. expected downloads:
.. see above: ca. 500-1000/month for OpenJUMP (core only, i.e. without plugins; 
see statistics on SourceForge).

OSGEO Evaluation Criteria

1. The code is under an OSI approved license (data & doc projects 
need to specify their choice for a type of license).
. BSD + Apache : e.g. BATIK libs
. freeware ? 
. check library licenses
. some parts of code need to be checked: e.g. L.P. Chews code, JMathTools code
. some file headers need to be revised

2. The project is willing to keep code clear of encumbrances
. yes

3. The project is "geospatial", or directly in support of geospatial
. yes

The following are desirable traits of projects entering into the

1. Open source software is already reasonably mature (working quality code).
. yes, I think so

2. Project already has a substantial user community.
. yes, I think so (what is substantial?)

3. Project already has a substantial and diverse developer community.
. yes, I hope so (what is substantial?)

4. Project members are aware of, and implements support for, relevant standards 
(ie. OGC, etc).
. yes

5. Project has linkages with existing foundation projects.
. yes: gvSIG, GeoTools, deegree (see application form point 7)

6. Project fills a gap related to software that the foundation supports.
. well - It depends how one answers whether QGIS, GRASS and gvSIG fill the GAP 
. But due to OpenJUMP's features of
.. advanced tools for geometric data editing and data conflation, and 
.. enabling some kind of rapid prototyping in Java, 
I would say it fills a gap with respect to Desktop GIS. 

7. Project is prepared to develop in an open and collaborative fashion.
. yes (we are hosted at SourceForge)

8. Project has contributions and interest from more than just one 
. yes: we are mainly volunteers supported by 2-4 companies and at least 2 

9. Project is willing to migrate some or all of its infrastructure
(code repository, web site, wiki, mailing list, etc) to foundation
support infrastructure, and to adopt a website style consistent with the
. yes if that would be an requirement, 
. but as it is optional: "No", except maybe for the web page and wiki. 
I as co-maintainer would prefer to stay with SourceForge at the current 
time (this is for us a matter of user support: changing from an official 
repository after 3-4 years would be not a good choice. Further, we lack 
the resources to move everything: from wikis, webpages, forums, mail lists, 
to sources, downloads, bug reports, and feature requests). 

OSGEO Project Status Template

A - General

A1. Has the project been approved for incubation by the OSGeo board?
    Yes / No - presumably yes. 
. not our beer

A2. Has an Incubation Mentor been assigned to the project?
    Indicate assigned committee member acting as mentor.
. not our beer

B - Infrastructure Transition

Note, for each of the following it isn't necessary to move to foundation 
infrastructure, but if you aren't a reason should be provided.

B1. Has the domain been populated with the projects web 
    If not why, and has the project page got a prominent link to the real home?
. not our beer

B2. Is the OSGeo bug tracker being used for the project?
    If not, why?
. Bug tracker is at the projects SourceForge account 

B3. Is the OSGeo mailing list manager ( being used for 
the project?
    If not, why?
. Lists are at SourceForge 

B4. Is the OSGeo SVN being used for the project?
    If not, why?
. SVN is at SourceForge 

B5. Are binary and source downloads available from ?
    If not, why?
. will be done after enabling

C - Community Functioning

C1. Is there a functioning user support mechanisms (ie. mailing list)?
    indicate the available user support mechanisms, and whether they seem to be 
functioning well (are getting used and get answers). 
. mail lists, Tracker, Forum at SourceForge (mail lists and forum are allways 

C2. Are source and binary downloads for the package available?
    yes/no (and any caveats)
. will be done after enabling (currently on SourceForge)

C3. Has a Project Steering Committee been formed, and given control of the 
    yes/no, indicate members and whether it has effective control.
. What is a Steering Comittee and what are its tasks?

C4. Does the Project Steering Committee have documentation on project 
procedures for PSC decisions, contributor guidelines, etc.
    yes/no - provide pointers to various related documents. 
. no vs. rarely: only contibutor guidelines on the wiki

C5. How many active developers are there? Are they from multiple organizations?
    Indicate number and some organizations involved. 
. what is an active developer (in terms of output/commitment)?: 3-5 part-time
. organizations: yes (see listing in application form: point 3) 

D - Foundation Membership

D1. Have project documents been updated to reflect membership in the 
foundation, and the relationship of the project to the foundation?
    If not, indicate when this will occur.
. will be done after incubation

D2. Has an effort been made to brand the project web site with OSGeo foundation 
web styling and branding marks?
    If not, indicate what is planned. (note: currently an OSGeo web style has 
not bee established)
. will be done after incubation

E - Code Copyright Review

E1. Has a Code Provenance Review document been prepared for the project?
    yes/no - point to review document. 

E2. Have issues raised in the provenance review been adequately addressed?
    indicate outstanding issues.

E3. Are Commiter Responsibilities Guidelines covering legal issues in place?
    yes/no - point to the guidelines and indicate if it is adopted by PSC, and 
accepted by all commiters.

OSGEO Project Graduation Checklist

A - License

1. The code has been adequately vetted to assure it is all properly licensed 
(a.k.a provenance review).

2. All code contributors have agreed to abide by the project's license policy. 

B - Processes

B1. The project has a suitable governance policy and project management 
committee established that ensures decisions are made, documented and adhered 
. yes (probably not that much documented but we have a management and do 
descission in most cases based on previous discussions)

B2. The developer community works in a healthy way, open to input, new members 
and reaching consensus on decisions. Ideally, the developers come from a 
diversity of backgrounds as there will be a greater variety of technical 
visions and the project is more resilient to a sponsor leaving.
. yes (although we are only weakly "healthy" in terms of available human 

B3. The project has documented its management processes. This is typically done 
within a Developers Guide or Project Management Plan.
. not sure what is expected here, please advise how it should look like

B4. The project has user documentation.
. yes: but only basic documentation in terms of a tutorial (however a function 
by function documentation is under way)

B5. The project has developer documentation.
. yes: but only basic documentation (however, the number of people that do 
custom programming and the very few requests we optain on the developer list 
suggest that the documentation is sufficient)

B6. The project has code under configuration control. Eg, subversion.
. yes

B7. The project uses an issue tracker.
. yes

B8. The project uses public communication channels. Eg achieved email lists.
. yes

B9. The project has an automated build process.
. yes

B10. The project manages quality. Ideally, this includes an automated test 
. yes/no: no test system yet, but we try to do quality checks for newly added 

B11. The project has a defined release process. 
. yes/no: currently releases are done upon decision of the project lead, we do 
not have a release and feature schedule (i.e. we lack a development plan)

C - Marketing

C1. Marketing material has been created about the project for the OSGeo 
Marketting Committee. (can we assume pdf handout, presentation slides and a 
feature matrix?) 

Summary - Major Issues with respect to human resources
. required:
.. document (established) license policy
.. code contributors need to agree to project's license policy (written form?).
.. Code Provenance Review - check of licenses in the source code (Ohloh may 
help here)
        => problem: we probably can not "GPL" or "LGPL" (i.e. relicense) source 
code that has been inherited from other projects, without the author permission 
(such code needs to be externalized into a library).
.. found a Steering Comittee?
.. establish documentation on project management procedures for PSC decisions, 
contributor guidelines, etc. (see Project Graduation Checklist point B3)
.. start documentation of project decisions
.. define release rules and process (not sure if that is a requirement)
.. provide marketing material (handout, feature-matrix)

. optional:
.. wiki + webpage transfer to OSGEO
.. introduce automated testing system (junit)
.. certification of standards?
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