Here is ours on 9.6R1.3, two full feeds, approx 500 logical interfaces

inet.0: 305813 destinations, 604735 routes (305813 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden)

Routing Engine status:
    Temperature                 19 degrees C / 66 degrees F
    CPU temperature             16 degrees C / 60 degrees F
    DRAM                       768 MB
    Memory utilization          95 percent
    Model                          RE-5.0
    Start time                     2009-10-02 20:21:49 CDT
Uptime 124 days, 15 hours, 52 minutes, 58 seconds
    Last reboot reason             Router rebooted after a normal shutdown.
    Load averages:                 1 minute   5 minute  15 minute
                                       0.00       0.00       0.00 wrote:
We have 4 M7i's with RE-400's and 768M RAM and have never had a problem with taking full routes (we are at 55% memory usage right now).

With all of the comments on this topic, should we be worried?

What JunOS version are you running?

This is an M7i with RE-400, a full Internet routing table,

inet.0: 314795 destinations, 629302 routes (314784 active, 0 holddown, 19 

a handfull of MPLS L3VPNs (around 3K routes here) and a few interfaces,
running JunOS 9.5R3.7. Memory usage:

Routing Engine status:
    Temperature                 33 degrees C / 91 degrees F
    CPU temperature             30 degrees C / 86 degrees F
    DRAM                       768 MB
    Memory utilization          94 percent
    Model                          RE-5.0

I'd say *any* RE-400 box with a full routing table and a recent JunOS
version is reason for worry. We have been unpleasantly surprised a
few times (boxes starting to show swap usage).

Our units push ~200Mbit traffic, so they are nowhere near capacity CPU wise.

Packet forwarding is done in hardware on this platform, the CPU is not

Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting,
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