Hi Ian,

On 17 Mar 2014, at 01:20 , Ian Wadham <iandw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alexander Dymo (adymo) is one of two former KDE developers now working on 
> Homebrew.
> And he was one of the original developers of KDevelop.  I remember him from 
> back then.
> Do you fancy some "bridge building", Marko?

I’ll will contact the KDevelop-Devel ML, as Aleix suggested. :) He’s surely 
listen in over there, I hope.

> Please persevere with with your efforts on getting KDevelop going on 
> MacPorts, Marko.  It

I’ll definitely do so, since I was surprised to see that KDevelop already seems 
to be comparable to Qt-Creator these days. :-D

> contains one of the finest code-readers around, AFAIK the best in the world.  
> I have used
> it on Linux to gain an understanding of many a line of difficult C++ code.  
> Indispensable.

If you say code-readers you mean that it gives you all those useful class 
definitions including documentation?
Yes, I have to say that was impressive to see, since at least all the Qt 
classes where heavily referenced right from the start.
Funnily enough only the KDE classes where NOT FOUND by KDevelop. I needed to 
specify their location manually, but that it worked seamlessly! :)
So, I figure this is something which could be added already at install time, so 
that KDevelop does know about KDE right away.
This must be possible, since it does work for Qt.

OK, I am moving my discussion to kdevelop-devel herewith. Will come to it 
earliest tomorrow.


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