On Saturday, March 29, 2014 06:48:45 PM Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> Ok I plugged in my OtherDisk and it seems to work as you said, then I
> removed the OtherDisk from the blacklist. Once I do that, there is no way
> to know what is in fact being indexed. If you are hell bent on not allowing
> a whitelist, can you at least provide a way for the user to know what is
> being indexed? Like-
> "Currently indexing-
>     Your home directory (/home/shantanu)
>     OtherDisk
> "

Yeah. Perhaps.

What I was really trying to do was hide the concept of "indexing" from the 
user. They care about searching, not about "indexing".

That's why the Systems settings says "Desktop Search" and "Hide from search 

> Another suggestion, provide a tooltip for the "Developer mode" thing, I've
> no idea what it does.

I've removed the Developer mode. You might want to try out RC1. It has many 
important fixes. Actually, maybe you should just compile baloo on your own - 

Vishesh Handa

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