El Dissabte, 29 de març de 2014, a les 23:34:36, Lindsay Mathieson va 
> On Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:18:24 PM Andrea Scarpino wrote:
> > We had a bad experience with Nepomuk and now we want to control everything
> > about this new desktop search settings, but we don't have to.
> > We don't need to filter out source code, it already does.
> > We don't need to black list external devices, it already does.
> > It just works out of the box.
> Except when it doesn't. 

Then it's a bug, report it and will be fixed

> I don't like this automagic stuff. 

This is not a very good sentence to be honest. You shouldn't be using a 
computer at all if you don't like automagic stuff.


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