On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 08:36:59 +0000
Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org> wrote:

> Tim Howe writes:
> >     "subnet6": [
> >         {
> >             "subnet": "2607:fda0:101:1601::/64",
> >             "pools": [ { "pool": "2607:fda0:101:1601:4::/80" } ]
> >         }
> >     ]  
> => add an interface clause in your subnet6 (I assume clients are  
> directly connected as you didn't mention relays). Without it
> no subnet is selected or with other words the server has no idea
> about where is the client...
> Regards
> Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
> PS: a /80 pool is not a problem.

        I somehow managed to not make it part of my paste in my
previous email, but I am attempting to select the subnet based on the
interface-id (option-18).

 "subnet6": [
            "interface-id": "3/2/1/1",
            "subnet": "2607:fda0:101:1601::/64",
            "pools": [ { "pool": "2607:fda0:101:1601:4::/80" } ]

I see it in the debug log data:
link-address=::, peer-address=fe80::1e74:dff:fe4b:cd76, 1 option(s)
type=00018, len=00007: 33:2f:32:2f:31:2f:31

        However, Kea appears to be ignoring it or is failing to match
it against the string as I have written it.

        I also tried specifying the interface-id in a few different
ways such as "'3/2/1/1'", "33:2f:32:2f:31:2f:31", and "332f322f312f31",
but it fails to match on all of them.  Is there some other trick to
getting that to match?

        I am running Kea 1.2.0 still, is this by any chance a known bug
I can fix by upgrading? (been waiting for FreeBSD port to get

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