Mr. Dupont, thanks again for taking the time to answer a question of

On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 23:44:59 +0000
Francis Dupont <> wrote:

> => the link-address must not be :: cf RFC 3315 20.1.1 page 59.  
> This is critical because it is the way Kea subnet selection recognizes
> direct vs relayed incoming packets (*).

        Unfortunate for me as my relaying device is layer 2 and doesn't
have a link address.

> PS: the algorithm for Kea subnet6 selection is:
> if first_relay_linkaddr is ::
>  // directly connected client
>  if interface name is not ""
>    try subnet6 with this interface name
>  if remote address is not ::
>    try subnet6 with this remote address
> else
>  // relayed message
>  try interface id
>  try link address

        This is interesting.  Thanks for sharing it.

        Looks like I can't do what I want unless I configure my router
to do dhcp relay instead of just operating within the local broadcast

Tim Howe 
Data Processing    541-389-8252
BendTel            GPG pubkey id: CBDE9FFE
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