I found at least 2 easy ways to fix your problem:
 - the first one is to have a second relay which fills the link address:
  the code skips all link addresses which are undefined or link local
  as it wants to be able to identify the relay. BTW the interface-id
  option must be added by the first (closest to client) relay.

 - the second is from the ISC DHCP code which has a comment about L2 relays:
  the idea is to use the receiving interface and client classes matching the
  interface-id option. With 1.2 you have to know the number of relays
  (1 in your case) to evaluate the right relay option
  (syntax: relay6[0].option[18].hex == 'a/b/c') and to restrict each
  subnet to a class matching an interface-id value.

  With 1.3 you get the two ways to count relays (1.2 / positive from
  the server, negative from the client). With 1.4 you'll get classes
  for pools which is far easier to use in particular when migrating
  from ISC DHCP...

Of course you can write a hook to set the link address in received packets...


Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org>
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