On Mon, 22 Jan 2018 23:38:10 +0000
Francis Dupont <fdup...@isc.org> wrote:

> => 2607:fda0:101:1601::1 (the relay closest to the server) is not  
> reachable according to the kernel which returns an error on sendmsg()
> system call. IMHO something is wrong in the server system configuration.
> BTW if the problem is the packet should be sent on an interface which is
> not the incoming interface the outbound-interface clause allows to use
> either the incoming interface (same-as-inbound) or the route table
> (use-routing).

        This had actually occurred to me, but I only saw the
outbound-interface in the docs as being an option for IPv4.  Also, when
I try to add it to the interface clause for dhcpv6 I get a syntax error.

        The source address on the UDP packets would be routed out my
default route instead of out the interface the server is running on.  I
suppose I could just put in a static route, but I would rather be able
to configure this in Kea.  I'll just work around for now if needed.

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