The logomachy over "interoperability" seems to be founded on two
different scopes for the term.  MS addresses the question of whether
their Kerberos implementation is interoperable with others without
regard to context, and I believe that it is.

Others are talking about interoperability with the whole suite of
services which support ADS, taken together.  That is, the MS
implementation is interoperable if you could set up a non-MS LDAP
server, a non-MS Kerberos server, and a non-MS DNS server, populate
DNS with the necessary SRV records, install Win2k clients and servers
on the same network, and WITHOUT RUNING DCPROMO ANYWHERE create an ADS
forest with functioning domain accounts.  And this cannot be done,
because the documentation for the critical blob of glue which sticks
the NT security model onto a Kerberos principal is surrounded with an
agreement not to implement what is documented.

In the broader interpretation, Kerberos is the vehicle of the problem
but does not in itself, in any implementation, embody the problem.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Our lives are forever changed.  But *that* is exactly as it always was.

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