On Fri, 31 Oct 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Do you know of any distributions that work with KfW that have a version 
> of plink that doesn't always open a Windows console window? I know that 
> Quest (formerly Vintella?) has a version that does this, but it only 
> supports SSPI.
> I want to be able to use svn+ssh from within Eclipse, on a machine that 
> is not in a Windows domain, without having the system flash open a large 
> number of console windows while I am either checking file out or in.

This is actually pretty easy to fix, if you don't mind compiling your own 
version.  All you need to do is build a "GUI" version of plink.exe.

By default (at least with the Cygwin build using Makefile.cyg), plink.exe 
is built as a "Console" app.  In order to prevent the console windows you 
see when it's run via Eclipse/TortoiseSVN, you need to use a "GUI" 

These instructions are for compiling via Cygwin, but I'm guessing there 
must be a similar approach for the other methods:

   - go to the "windows" subdir of the source
   - edit Makefile.cyg
   - change the "all:" target and add "plinkgui.exe" just after "plink.exe"
   - make a copy of the "plink.exe" target dependency/build lines
   - change the target of the copy to "plinkgui.exe"
   - add "-mwindows" just after $(CC) in the plinkgui.exe build line
   - run make

You should end up with both "plink.exe" and "plinkgui.exe".  plink.exe 
will be a "Console" app and "plinkgui.exe" will be a "GUI" app.  The GUI 
version will not display the console windows.

If you're trying to debug a problem you probably want to use "plink.exe", 
but as long as everything is working and you just want to prevent the 
console windows, use "plinkgui.exe".
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