
Thanks for your latest comments.  I noticed two things that allowed me
to narrow the problem down.  First, I ripped up all traces, but the
gerbers and pcb still had the problem.  Second, I noticed that an
8-pin connector did not seem to be anchored on pin 1 as expected. 
When I went into the Module Editor the connector module zooms out the
same as the pcb.  If I zoom in and try to set the anchor again, the
module recenters on the screen, but auto zoom will again zoom way out
showing that the part is not fixed.  It is definitely this module.  I
can delete it on the pcb and the problem goes away.
Any ideas on how to fix this from the module editor?  Or in the mod
file?  I will just delete it and make a new module from scratch if I
need to, but I always want to understand any underlying problems with
software :-)


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