Am 30.04.2009 um 21:32 schrieb Tobias Gogolin:

> >"Wishing" for a component I think is NOT the best solution. Just a  
> mechanism
> >for "Sharing" components would be good. So if I have a Library of  
> components
> >I want to share then I just click "Share" and that goes to the  
> repository.
> >If I would then want to search for a components I would search  
> (from KiCad)
> >in that repository.
What I mean with 'wishing' components is more like 'how many like to  
have that component'
to see which components one could create / publish. It is not meant  
barely, who makes me this
component. This explicit wish is usually a paid service I think.

So just get a glue, which components are required the most. And then  
even funded component creation could be done easy.
> I agree and congratulate on the uptake of these efforts!
> I also wonder how these remote components, (schematic symbols,  
> padstacks, and 3D models) could be integrated with what is currently  
> managed as Packages (I would almost prefer something like directory  
> structures (user manageable) similar to Jar files)?
> There may be an interface for the plugin: a virtual library package  
> ?
Aren't there cases that I search for a specific part with a specific  
housing - eg. DIL40 or PLCC44?

If all the components are packaged into some 'library's, the network  
traffic would be very high :-)

What about an interface that pulls a specific componet + the required  
package out of the 'web service'
and delivers it as TGZ or what ever?

I have created a small PDF file about my thinking of a database  
centric solution. The end product that will
be carried around would be any format, because it could be packaged  

Here is the file I uploaded:

With a database you could do much more things, eg. add vendor  
information, reseller information and even prices.
When the database is at a public place, we will get very fast an  
overview, where we could get the cheapest parts for our BOM.
(Simply issue an SQL query and enrich the BOM)

I hope my ideas are not too crazy :-)


-- | Rapid Prototyping | XSLT Codegeneration |
Lothar Behrens
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