> It would be good if this went a step further along the line of your 
> thoughts: That used library parts become part of the schematic (and 
> maybe layout as well). This is what Eagle does. Very nice: I receive a 
> schematic from someone else to check, it loads 100% correct because all 
> the lib parts are inside the file. Regardless of my own libraries. You 
> can even extract the lib parts from that schematic if you wanted to.
> [...]
> -- 
> Regards, Joerg
> http://www.analogconsultants.com/
> "gmail" domain blocked because of excessive spam.
> Use another domain or send PM.

Kicad saves a file called projectname.cache.lib which is a backup of the
components used in the project. If I understand the system correctly, the
board file contains copies of the modules, so you do have all the parts

If you open the module editor you can load a module from the current
board, and with the lib editor you can select the projectname.cache.lib

I expect these files are included when you archive a project (I've never
done that) I normally simple save the entrire project directory and move
that around. (I also prefer to make a directory for each project rather
than put lots of projects into a single directory, I find that makes
things easier to manage.


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