Andy Eskelson wrote:
> A few thoughts about this...
> You do NOT want a database anywhere near Kicad.
> Fair enough if you want to create a database that REFERENCES parts and
> modules, but such a system should play no part in the operation of Kicad.
> I have seen far too many situations where over engineered systems fail,
> particularly during upgrade operations, where database links get broken
> and it's almost impossible to get them working again. Kicad is used by
> many different types of people of different abilities, and if there
> is one thing that I have come to appreciate over the years, is that the
> KISS principle of operation is much safer. A separate system that helps
> manage things is fine, something that Kicad becomes DEPENDANT on is not.
> The ability to manage libs and modules is already built into
> Kicad. Both parts and modules can be imported and exported individually.
> Also entire libs can be added. So it really comes down to a choice, the
> used can either select an entire library to be downloaded or get the
> individual libs and modules. 

It would be good if this went a step further along the line of your 
thoughts: That used library parts become part of the schematic (and 
maybe layout as well). This is what Eagle does. Very nice: I receive a 
schematic from someone else to check, it loads 100% correct because all 
the lib parts are inside the file. Regardless of my own libraries. You 
can even extract the lib parts from that schematic if you wanted to.


Regards, Joerg

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