Sounds like a plan to me Brian. And well thought out. You should have
sufficient time with the T-88 to accomplish what you propose. Just remember
that T-88 is as slick as owl poop until it starts to set and things can move
around if you are not careful.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at
Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brian Kraut" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:55 PM
Subject: KR> spar construction

> Before I looked at Mark's site I did a lot of thinking on what order I
> do what on my spar construction and this is what I came up with.
> I needed to buy a 12' countertop anyway for my office so I was going to
> level it with a precision machinist's level to be sure it was perfectly
> and level.  I would cover it with bagging film before I started.
> I was going to scarf the plywood pieces and let them dry before I started
> the rest of the spars.
> Next I was going to lay out lines on where all the pieces went and dry fit
> everything with the web laying on the countertop.
> Then I was going to spread T88 on one spar cap and the web and set it on,
> followed by the vertical spacers, then the other spar cap.
> Then I was going to put a bunch of heavy weights on the spar caps.
> Next I was going to put a bar clamp at each vertical spacer location to
> clamp the spar caps to the verticals.
> Then I will use a brush to spread all the excess epoxy around the inside
> seal the inner sections of everything then put a bunch of weights on the
> caps and verticals to be sure they are pressed tight against the plywood.
> When the whole thing dries I will put on the top plywood web.
> Does anyone see anything wrong with this sequence?  Am I going to wind up
> with the T88 drying before I get everything done?
> Brian Kraut
> Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
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