Mark Jones wrote:
>  If anyone else knows where we can buy this in
>lesser quantities or even in 4" wide rolls please speak up.

This is untried, and I don't know if the cost per person is advantageous or 
not, but in the interest of diseminating information, here goes:

McMaster-Carr has an ultra high molecular weight polyethylene tape 
(hereafter known as UHMW) available that might well work in this 
application. It is available in .0045", .0065", and .0115" thicknesses, of 
which .0015" is adhesive. This is a very tough, slippery material, and the 
adhesive appears to be durable. It is available in widths of 1/2", 3/4", 
1", 2", 3" and 6" (not 4", unfortunately).

I've used it for a bearing surface here at work, where we have a very heavy 
sliding door; I put it on the guide rail and it doesn't show any wear or 
signs of coming off after 7 years.

Will this work on a plane? I don't know. One hassle is that it has adhesive 
all the way across, and some way will have to be devised to keep it from 
binding on the aileron. If the thinner size is used, it could possibly be 
doubled on the half that is not meant to be stuck (kind of like a sideways J).


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