Maybe I suffer from dumb luck or perhaps my memory isn't so good, but I don't 
recall having any issues with the one I had, although I did think the battery 
was a bit short lived.  When the battery dies, the accumulated engine time 
resets to -0-, but otherwise was simple enough to remedy with a fresh battery.

Perhaps the difference is that the magneto simply fires once and isn't nearly 
so hot of a spark as you'll see coming off a high energy coil like you run in 
on the Corvair.  I don't know about yours, but some of the high performance and 
high energy ignition modules are designed to maintain the spark a bit longer, 
which might really mess with the inductive pickup of something like the Tiny 
Tach as the inductive pickup might see multiple pulses to maintain the spark. 

As best I recall the question was about getting tach data on a magneto fired VW 
without attaching directly to the points.  Without some sort of gear drive, or 
a pulse counter on the back of the spinner, an inductive pickup gets down to 
the final of choice.  Some of us have used it successfully in that exact 

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

Don't waste your money on the Tiny Tach.  I bought three or four of them and 
finally gave up.  
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