Larry Howell wrote:

> I noticed when I placed the pointer on one of the block data points, a 
> purple line appears in a direct line to an airport. What is that all 
> about? I noticed that the airport it points to is not necessarily the 
> closest airport?

Those aren't airports, they're I-gates (internet gateway repeaters). If you 
follow the purple line and click on the black diamond at the end you'll get 
the details of the installation.   In that secondary "emergency" mode, it 
can be set to broadcast to a far larger audience of smaller and more 
prevalent digipeaters, so the coverage can likely be all the way to the 
ground.  As it is set now, I've been picked up 50' off the ground while 
landing by an I-gate 34 miles away.

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at

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