On 7/11/2022 10:44 AM, Craig Williams wrote:
So I went and re-measured my ARMs this am, emptied the tanks and put her on scales.  
Datum is 48" ahead of the firewall.  So all measurements were taken from the 
firewall and 48" was added.


Is the aircraft perfectly level when reading the scales?  If you are using  48" forward of the firewall as the datum then your CG range should be 48" + distance from firewall to lead edge of wing + 8" to 14".  If aircraft is not level your scales will not read correctly.  Don't forget you removed the weight of a nose wheel setup in the repair.  That will cause the CG to move aft some amount.  Never, under any circumstance, fly the airplane to see if the CG range is acceptable without knowing the accurate CG and that it is within the range specified in the plans.  You can slowly test for aft CG handling a bit at a time later in the testing.  Your first flight is to determine if the aircraft is controllable and the engine is reliable.  Detailed test come later.  I know of at least one member on the net that had an aft CG  on the first flight.  As them how much fun that was.  If you numbers indicate an aft CG condition, make sure the numbers are correct and fix the situation before first flight.

Larry Flesner

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