Well, I gave you few. :)
To find more I would have to proof read all calc formulas and I'm not really sure I want to do that.

I see a lot of errors of cosmetical type in Calc, which I'm notreporting. Things like consistency.In some formulas you have nper/ npery / NPER / NPERY , some strings start with capital letter others don't. Some strings end with dot, others don't. I'm not reporting that since it isn't affectingfunctionality of program and I would spam this list all day long. :)

Maybe someone can tackle that in his free time if he things it's worth fixing, but except cosmetical value nothing will be gained.

Dana 21.7.2013. 12:08, Tom Davies je napisao:
Hi :)
I have encouraged a few native-English speakers to join this list with the aim 
1.  translating from geek or
2.  smoothing out clunky English phrases that look like translations from other 

However, since they joined there have been no further requests for individual 
strings to be re-done in English.  We had 'loads' of emails for a month or 2 
but then suddenly nothing.  Is there somewhere we could look through all the 
strings that get translated?

Sadly i didn't manage to get many people to join this time and those that did 
do not have a high level of technical skill with the sorts of systems you find 
easy.  I was hoping that more of the confusing strings would appear in the 
mailing list and that the technical side would be handled by the rest of you.  
Still, point us in the right direction and be gentle with us and then we/they 
might be able to help.

Btw i wasn't clear what was meant by "hermetic" so i looked it up  (even though 
context made it clear what the person meant by it) and got this from wikipedia
No language is truly hermetic.  Even pure maths can be ambiguous.  It's part of 
the reason we need programming languages and things such as wiki-mark-up to 
communicate with machines.  However, even they have moments of confusion or 
imprecision.  We all just try to do a reasonably good job,  in the time 
available, to make it easier for normal humans to read and we hope that the 
people following after us are able to improve on it if they need to.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Krunoslav Šebetić <kruno0...@gmail.com>
To: l10n@global.libreoffice.org
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2013, 9:26
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-l10n] [BUG] Fomula SYD description

On 07/20/2013 06:31 PM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
Personally, I favour precise and hermetic language. People who need
certain information will understand; people who don't, they don't care.
That's elitism and is wrong, really wrong.

Precision doesn't mean it has to be hermetic. "People who know how, don't
need help". Don't you find contradictory to write _help_ in hermetic
language? I'm not Calc user, but sometimes I do use it - and help which
doesn't help is worthless.

Bunch of (techno)babble is hard to translate (even impossible
sometimes), and hermetic _help_ can't really help user who is not
skilled in English. If you have something which is hard to translate and
understand in original is something which no one can benefit from.

I know you didn't meant anything wrong, it's just a concern from part
time Calc user.



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