Hello Sophie

Thanks for bringing this issue to a broader audience. Some notes here.

Please bear in mind that not everywhere in the world have 100MB
broadband access like in Europe, and a offline help is important. That
is a constrain to having a wikihelp only solution.

Are you going to make English as the text reference to translate or each
NL team will have its own text?

Also, do we have a tool that can track each modification in the english
help file and present it for translation to our own language?

Since I played a bit with the new UI dialogs and the help files, I think
the help tips can be migrated to the *.ui files. If affirmative, it will
help to collect all related matters (ui + help tips) in the same dialog

Finally, I would like to inform to the list that I opened a meta-bug to
collect the features that have no help page for.
and there is a lot of undocumented features...

Kind regards


Em 01-07-2014 06:32, Sophie escreveu:
> Hi all,
> It is a secret for nobody that the help is a nightmare to maintain for
> developers and contributors. However it's an important part for the
> quality of our product and we need to find a way that is acceptable for
> all of us working on it.
> During the last Hackfest in Paris, I discussed with Moggi and Kendy how
> we could organize the workflow to enhance and maintain the help and keep
> the translation easy for l10n team.
> So here is a proposal to discuss about using the wikihelp to maintain it:
> - the existing translations would be migrated, so no work is lost (one
> of the most important requirement :)
> - the translation project is split in 3 parts:
> * UI as we have it today
> * Extended tooltips - currently in help files, are extracted and get its
> own .po project
> * Help content, managed in the wiki
> - review of the added/modified part on the wiki:
> * random people can contribute but *not* directly
> * there will be an approval process, like in Pootle or Git
> - there is one point that is not optimal, because wiki syntax is
> difficult to manipulate via .po files, it would be much safer to use
> media wiki to translate, with the help of the translate toolkit (where
> you have context, extended syntax, memories).
> Note: translating via .po still would be possible, but really at own
> risks.
> The disadvantage that it has too is that we need two tools:
> - Pootle for UI + extended tooltips,
> - mediawiki for help.
> So, this is how we can present the pros and cons maintaining our help
> files via the wiki to reach more contributors and quality. Nothing is
> set yet, but we need to find a consensus to have our help amended and
> maintained, reach a good quality and really serves our users.
> Feedback and ideas welcome :)
> Cheers
> Sophie

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice

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