Hi Sophie, Stanislav,

Sophie píše v St 02. 07. 2014 v 16:27 +0200:

> > I would add one more point: currently, a lot of extended tooltips (maybe
> > most of them) are directly part of the help text. Therefore, if we excluded
> > the tips, we would have strings doubled, once in help and once in tips -
> > and it makes no sense to manage and translate them separately.
> but they are between tags <ahelp>the extended tooltip</ahelp>, so
> extracted them will remove them from the help, and will not duplicate them.

Stanislav actually has a very good point here; this is something that we
have take into account when doing this, and I forgot about this.  I mean
- even when the extended tooltips are enclosed in the <ahelp> tags, they
are still visible in the help text too; so we cannot just remove them
from there.

So there are 3 possible solutions for this that I can see [but maybe
Markus sees even another ;-)]:

1) Actually keep the extended tooltips as part of the help, tag them
   there some way (using a wiki template, or a simple extension) and
   only extract that to separate files that would be shipped
   accordingly.  That means, even the extended tooltips would be
   translated using the mediawiki Translate extension.

2) Separate them, but create a wiki extension that would be able to
   obtain the extended tooltips source + translation from the Pootle.

3) Import the translations once, and just let them diverge.

I guess 3) is definitely not the way to go ;-)

I believe 1) is the easiest from the development point of view, and I
think also most consistent for translation - as you won't have to sync
between 2 tools to get the help completely translated.  But now I am not
completely sure how that fits the Markus' current tooling that he has
already prototyped - Markus, can we translate even the extended tooltips
in the Translate extension?  Does that fit you?

All the best,

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