I like Oliver's idea. That way, en-US can change its caps, commas, typos,
formatted vs non-formatted typography on a daily basis to their heart's content
without kicking the rest of the planet into the neolithic, l10n-wise.
If I may point out the commercial angle on this - I charge $35 an hour for
Gaelic proofreading. Perhaps it's a little cheaper for more common languages but
even so, every time the developers kick 4000 (linguistically) pointless string
changes at all other locales because the feeling is they're needed in en-US,
that amounts to (gut estimate) 12 hours work, so multiply that by 115 locales,
it's causing the rough equivalent of a $40.000 translation bill.
Yes, we're translating pro bono publico but it's still a callous way of treating
donated lifetime.

> Lets invent a new language in the world named Liboish - LibreOffice
> language - that in fact is often confused with en_US, but it is not the
> same.
> I suggest to create a new entry in Pootle, named en-US so that we get a
> translation from Liboish to English. Other languages translates directly
> from Liboish and we are all happy not to redo our work.
> (Apologizes for the inapropriate sense of humour, but I saw this extra
> work comming months ago. 99% of my 4.4 UI was rework)
> --
> Olivier Hallot
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