Thanks, Andrea!

That is exactly what I'm doing. It's nice to have it, given the fact that no such aid was available just a short while ago. Nonetheless, it's cumbersome and time-consuming.

I am confident a more elegant solution can be thought out.

Best wishes,


2013.08.26 00:56, Andrea Pescetti rašė:
Ricardo Berlasso wrote:
IMO, a way to tell where the string is located on the UI (the steps to
arrive there) will be more than enough... but I don't think that even such
thing will be easy to obtain.

What we do have available at the moment (I write this for the new volunteers) is the so-called "KeyID Build". The procedure is still cumbersome and I hope to fix KeyID in time for the next snapshot, but more or less this is what I would do to retrieve context:

1) I install a KeyID version. See a screenshot at
It looks incredibly ugly and must still be prepared for 4.0.1, but it provides a unique ID for each string.

2) Imagine I have to translate the word "Default":
I want to find where it is.

3) On the left, I see in "Location": STR_POOLPAGE_STANDARD

4) I open OpenGrok and search it in the "kid" file:

The result, if it doesn't crash your browser (huge file) contains the key: "8+>ddj"

5) I can now find this in the KeyID build and know exactly what I am translating.

Very tedious, but works. Of course, all the possible improvements you are discussing here, especially screenshots or langpack editing, would be awesome.

By the way, if we manage to load "kid" into Pootle after the SDF for it has been updated, steps 3 and 4 can be omitted: translators will be able to setup their environment so that they see both "Deafult" and "8+>ddj|Default" immediately, so they can open the KeyID version and look it up.


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