On Tuesday, Dec 2, 2003, at 06:55 US/Eastern, Lynne Cumming wrote:

Now my query is this, how many are there of
you out there who have NEVER owned a pair of red shoes?

Sorry, not me :)

My first pair of heels (modest 1.5" or so, and not tapered to a point) were beige; took a lot of begging (I was 14) to get them and they had to "go" with everything. The first (and only; I learnt quickly <g>) pair of pointy-toed, stilletto-heeled shoes, acquired (again, by whining) at 16, was white. But, that same year, I got (my first money) a pair of bright-red, flat-heel, round-nose, strap-through-the-instep (Mary Janes?) ones and adored them for years, until they could be fixed no longer.

Red and black felt (with black leather toes and heels) "Cossac" boots were next and those, too, were loved through several winters. Had a pair of red sandals my first year in the US -- sadly "gone" now.

And I have a pair of "summer weight" red moccasins -- the most comfortable shoes ever (almost like slippers), which I treasure and wear as little as possible because, once they go, I won't be able to either get them fixed or to replace them...

I have a photo for posterity (taken with my new digital camera - cheap from
Lidl but it's not at all bad for the price) if anyone wants to drool!


Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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