I have never had a pair of red shoes but I did once as a young teen have a 
pair of green sandals with wedge heels.

Can't imagine wearing anything like that today.

Graham, WA  USA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lynne Cumming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 3:55 AM
Subject: [lace-chat] Red shoes

> My 16 year old daughter received her 'first' pay packet last week (has 
> done
> a paper round for a year but it doesn't really count!) and promptly spent
> most of it on a pair of red shoes. Winkle picker, 3" stiletto jobs in 
> bright
> red fabric. A pair of shoes to die for! I tried them on and my Achilles
> tendon screamed no, no!! Now, every woman I have spoken to since says, " I
> had a pair of red shoes....." Now my query is this, how many are there of
> you out there who have NEVER owned a pair of red shoes? I had a pair at 14
> (plus boots which I had to dye black in the end to wear on my motorbike to
> school) and my father was furious when he discovered me limping around in
> the shoes because I couldn't bear to give them up and they were far too
> small!
> I have a photo for posterity (taken with my new digital camera  - cheap 
> from
> Lidl but it's not at all bad for the price) if anyone wants to drool!
> I wish I had legs like hers tho.....
> Lynne.
> Lynne Cumming
> Baldock, North Herts, UK
> "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the
> pig."
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