Michelle, you wrote:
>My other question is, can someone please tell me really easy
>instructions on how to do the last join of the last ring in a round,
>where you have to do it in some funny backwards way to get it
>to sit right?! No matter what I try (going through the picot from
>the other side etc.) I always end up with a twisted joining picot.
>I found in some old Arachne bits, a piece of advice that said to
>turn the bit of tatting to your left twice, so tried this yesterday
>and that was even worse. I'm obviously just not getting it.

I found that the easiest way to join back to the first ring in a
circular motif is to roll the motif over your thumb and tuck the
ring under so that the picot you need to join to is on the right.
I hope this helps you a little bit, Michelle.

And I would just use a spot of PVA or wood glue or even a
craft glue which dries clear. You could just tie little bows
with the ends & glue them down.

What date in September are you getting married? Do tell.

Pene Piip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Formerly from Sydney, Australia. Now residing in Groton, MA, USA. - To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] containing the line: unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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