Some of us Yanks learned early-on about Milanese from Read and Kincaid, and
so call that (and Russian) "braid lace".  Although it grates on my ear, I've
never heard a decent alternative term to use.

I usually avoid the braid/tape controversy by calling the other kind
"Battenberg family" or "lace made with pre-fab tapes".

Robin P.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

-----Original Message-----
I was always been taught that laces such as Russian and Milanese are braid
laces and some of the fillings are done with plaits.  Tape lace is a machine
made tape tacked onto the pattern and secured with sewing and needle made

However, since I have been exposed to American terminology on Arachne I have
been very aware that as you refer to plaits (in lace and hair) as braids, it
is necessary that you refer to the hand made "edges" as tapes.

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