I wrote to Sue last night, but, with so many of you "coming out of the closet", there's no way I can write everyone an individual message. So:

Very well done, everyone! Congratulations!

While it's sad that there were so many entries not all of them could be displayed, think about it from a different point of view: big competition makes *your* prize that much more important; it's much less fun to get the first when there are only two competing :)

I agree with Sue, that making an Arachne group entry would be interesting. But the logistics of it... The mind boggles <g>

Tamara P Duvall             http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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