on 5/31/04 5:44 AM, Jane Partridge at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sue Babbs
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>> I agree with Sue, that making an Arachne group entry would be
>>> interesting. But the logistics of it... The mind boggles <g>
>> I don't know - the frequency with which we all discuss things, it might well
>> make faster progress than a group which only meets monthly!
>> Sue
> The maximum size allowed could dictate how many individual pieces of
> lace were incorporated, and we would need to discover the group expert
> on mounting.
> after completion of the lace for
> collation, construction/mounting, things to go wrong and getting it to
> The Hollies (or wherever)the stability of
> the group membership over that period of time?
> If the entry won a prize, of course, it would then be a case of voting
> who would collect, and possibly hold, it on the group's behalf?

Oh, but the fun, the fun, the fun of dreaming it up, doing it, discussing
it! ‹‹  Aurelia 

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