In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Sue Babbs
>> I agree with Sue, that making an Arachne group entry would be
>> interesting. But the logistics of it... The mind boggles <g>
>I don't know - the frequency with which we all discuss things, it might well
>make faster progress than a group which only meets monthly!

Remember the lace globe that we talked about doing for the Millennium?
I don't think it was the making that would have been the problem, more
where to exhibit it and what to do with it afterwards. At least this
time there would be somewhere for it to be exhibited initially (at least
the problem of number of entries versus gallery space has been addressed
this time!).

The maximum size allowed could dictate how many individual pieces of
lace were incorporated, and we would need to discover the group expert
on mounting.

But I think it could be done - we have three years (when we know what
the theme is to be next time round) and would need to stick to very
strict deadlines (to allow time after completion of the lace for
collation, construction/mounting, things to go wrong and getting it to
The Hollies (or wherever). The only problem would be in the stability of
the group membership over that period of time?

If the entry won a prize, of course, it would then be a case of voting
who would collect, and possibly hold, it on the group's behalf? 
Jane Partridge

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