>>>Steph wrote: A completed piece of lace is a 'derivative work' from the
pricking, and is subject to just the same copyright limitations as a
straight copy of the pricking.<<<

>>>Bev added: if a pricking is published with the intent that a reader would
use it to produce a piece of lace, then the designer would not own copyright
to the resulting piece....the pattern, yes, the lace itself no....I think
posting a picture of your lace made from someone else's design, on the web,
is not violating copyright. <<<

I suspect this one would have to go to court to be decided.  Yes, "How To"
books are meant to be used, and it's really their designs, instructions and
diagrams that they're copyrighting.  However, the case can probably be made
that they intended the patterns and their derivatives (the finished lace or
bookcase or whatever) to be "for personal use" and not for publishing by the
people who made things from the book.

Robin P.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

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