On Jul 7, 2005, at 19:20, Dora Smith wrote:

I wouldn't be TOO worried! London is a huge city! One of the largest in
the planet!   Extends for maybe 30 miles across.

Yeah, well... New York is huge too, as is DC. But that wasn't a mad sniper shooting people off one by one at random; this was a concentrated attack, on underground trains (and a bus), during rush hours, when people are going to work all over the place, so, until you know that "yours" are safe, you fret. Then you start grieving for all those who aren't "yours", but are human all the same. I well remember being in terror on 9/11 until we heard from my stepson - he doesn't work on the site, but often had business there. All it takes is being in a wrong place at a wrong moment...

Avital, and all others who've heard from "theirs"; I'm glad for you. And I hope that all "ours" (those who live in/around London, who were visiting for the day of shopping, etc) will report their safety also

I'm thinking, my knapsack is jsut about large
enough for bicycle tools and rain gear....   LOL!

And I hope you never have bombs rain on you, so you can keep on laughing out loud for many years to come.

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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