> I have been following this thread and wonder about the 300 or so books
> that belong to Norfolk Lacemakers where we all borrow them and I may
> honestly say I think everyone of us have copied patterns out of them to
> work else where would be the point of us buying them for the use of our
> members? Are we infringing copyright in doing so?
> Sue M Harvey
> Norfolk UK

The use made of your library by your members is covered, I suspect, by the
same types of regulations that cover university libraries and public
libraries: fair use and non-commercial purposes.

There is no commercial purpose to your library. If your guild is a
corporate person (and I am using the metaphor of the family as a corporate
person) then the guild members act as family members using books out of a
joint collection. Its only my opinion, but based on my experience with our
guild lending library and the research collection I manage in the
university department where I work, any copyright infringement would be a
action committed by an individual mass copying for purposes of selling.

Lucie DuFresne
Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers, Canada
University of Ottawa, Canada

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