Good morning Arachnids,

I would respectfully suggest further discussion on threads and the mix...

It is important to learn the properties of each fiber you want to work with.
When you take a sewing class, did the instructor tell you to wash your
fabrics to make the fabric to remove the sizing?  Most fabrics Shrink.  And
when you take a weaving class, did the instructor tell you to allow an extra
percentage because when you wash the hand-woven fabric it will shrink?  

It is important to know the properties of your fibers.  This includes amount
of twist, number of plies, hardness, pliability, etc.

And Metallic does not shrink.... and certainly some of them stretch...

When you put cotton and metallic together, you best be happy with not
washing it.  Tensioning will be a consideration.

Wool, Silk and other fibers certainly do change when washed....and if your
work will be washed you have a bit to learn.  Now if you plan never to wash
it perhaps playing with mixing fibers will be OK.

So it would seem that as you experiment, know the final use of the piece you
are making or designing...because the way you intend to use it will (or
should) govern what fibers you mix.

So far the differing of opinions has been very interesting... I am learning
a lot.

Thanks all,
Susie Johnson, Lacemaker
Morris, IL USA

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