Hi All,

I have a large flat and square pillow sitting is a base made by the husband of
a friend of mine (the friend I have saved the Croatia trip accounts for).  It
is heavy and I find works better resting against a dining table.

I took Pat Milne (Lace teacher/designer from Canberra)'s advice to never make
just one pillow.  From the sheet of foam I purchased I have one whole piece,
two long one third pieces, and a number of different sized blocks which can be
rotated.  Put a layer of wool batting and then homespun on both sides (for
maximum usage) on all pieces.

The blocks are all covered in blue fabric so I know the one covered in red is
the one I use for prepricking patterns.

The single piece is a little over 23" square.  Using the "pieces" in
combination most possibilities could be covered.

The Guardian Angel, by Eeva Liisa sits unattended on the pillow at the

Mary Carey
Campbelltown, NSW, Australia


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