In message <ff6a6b6ffc034df484dac32c48070...@yourb45be3bb8c>, Jean Nathan <> writes
A couple/few years ago we had trouble with a disruptive member - think that
was when Avital took on the moderation. Someone from the persons service
provider set up another group for us - might be the Yahoo Group that's
currently running. Several Arachne members joined that, BUT they also stayed
with Arachne.

I thought the Yahoo Group (don't you have to register with Yahoo to use them? - that has always put me off) was set up when we were talking about doing a group Arachne project for the "Seven" competition, and it was agreed that those participating would discuss the project on that group but report back to the main list every so often - it then appeared to die a death as the globe, as far as I am aware, never materialised and nothing more was said on the list.

Jane Partridge

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