As much as I admire the talents of my sister Arachnids who are "fluent in internet", and love them for their knowledge *and* skills with lace, I feel a need to say that I love this list just as it is, and until we have clear and certain knowledge that Majordomo is going to go belly up, I'd prefer to leave it "as is". Based on my own resistance to change, I'm afraid that we would lose a significant number of members if we changed. Furthermore, I don't think this discussion was brought on by any real failing on the part of Majordomo... just a speculative comment which started a thread. It seems to me that a more productive action would be to come up with a simple, but effective plan for someone (Liz? Avital?) to be able to contact the entire list in case a catastrophic failure brought Majordomo to an end, allowing us to continue to communicate until we could subscribe to another system.

yours, the eternal pragmatist...


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA  USA

bev walker wrote:
FWIW there is board software where one posts in real time.  Archiving,
searching, photo galleries, polling, and all that excitement are part of the
software, too. The set up requires a host server, then someone to administer
it, and as with the yahoo and google groups, there can be moderators. These
boards, or forums, can be in strict privacy, or open to the public. When
public, the topics can be found via, for instance, google search, same as
that in our own arachne archives.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Jean Nathan <

I belong to several Yahoo groups, and they do have all the bells and
whistles, but they are not spontaneous - I've waited anything between half
an hour and four hours for a post to appear in a group, and then equally as
long for a reply.

One thing I really like about Arachne is that I've posted a question at 9
pm and in less that two minutes, someone in Australia has replied. If I post
in the morning, several replies can arrive in the next 15 minutes, so you
can more or less have a conversation by email.

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