hm, well - my prickings are paper photocopies with a layer of clear packing
tape. You could try the tethers (or moorings - thanks Sally!), they do hold
and there is no see-saw pulling on the pricking that would cause a tear. I
sew the threads through the pricking with a needle. If there is a concern
with tearing, reinforce the point of attachment with tape :)
You don't *have* to try it, it is more fiddly than simply placing pins, but
it is a different and rather pleasing set-up.

On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 6:51 AM, David C COLLYER <>wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I should have said when I first wrote this question, that my pricking are
> always photocopies or scans covered in Contact. As such, threads like these
> would not hold, or would tear the pricking.
> Thanks
> David in Ballarat
>  sew
>> long loops of thread into the pricking at strategic points (e.g. where you
>> would normally pin), and pin the loops tight 'way back from the pricking,
>> thus tethering the pricking in place. You will have cover cloths over the
>> areas (yes?) so that nothing will catch on the tethering threads.

Bev in Shirley BC, near Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island, west coast of

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