Lace makers find their own way of controlling bobbins: large safety pins, stackers, crocheted strips etc. I use 15cm strips of 10cm wide elastic, burn the ends with a match so they do not fray, lay them over about a dozen bobbins and put divider pins in both ends. I can stack them and put the divider pins through 5-6 layers.

Do I talk to my bobbins? Not as much as my friend Sue does, she also strokes them as she talks to them.

When my husband started to turn lace bobbins after a lot of pestering from me, I decided to start a lace bobbin collection of different woods from around the world. I buy from various bobbin makers and wood sellers too to add to my collection. To date I have 557 different woods, and another 198 on the list of woods in stock, but not yet turned. I protograph them, index them with details of name, species, place of origin etc.
Agnes Boddington
Elloughton UK
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