And I was taught (way back when, with Norma Turner, Hi Norma) to use working cloths to support about 10 pairs at a time, stacking on top of each other to either side. One can stack an awful lot of bobbins that way.

Shirley T. - in wintry Adelaide, South Australia but I can curl up in a comfy chair with my OIDFA 30th Anniversary book and dream of all the lace I'm going to make. :-)

As to stacking them up - I have seen people use the base of a plastic dish -
like an ice cream tub, cut down to just about a one inch side, - on 3 sides,
and no side at all on the 4th, and the bobbins sit in the tray, and they can
be stacked one on another at the side of the working area.  It seamed to
work OK.

Regards from Liz in grey, cold, Melbourne, Oz.

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