In my experience, life frequently follows the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the
work is done by 20% of the people, and the same seems to apply to Arachne.
There are prolific contributors, and some who lurk and never post, and
others who post from time to time when there is something they feel they can
comment on.  All members of any group should be made to feel they have equal
worth, regardless of what contribution they make.

It is unfortunate that a specific lace group was mentioned by Jeri. I am
friends with many of the members of that group, and most of them will not
post on Arachne because they feel that they are not as erudite as some of
those who regularly post. If their personal opinion is that they have
nothing "worthy" to say, then why should they write?  I wonder how many
other Arachne members might feel the same way?  I do not comment on Jeri's
posts - even though it is clear that they are very thoroughly researched.
They are most likely of great interest to some members, but I skim them
because I am usually only casually interested in reading about a topic in
such detail.

Being a very active volunteer in many groups, I have given up expecting
thanks or even an acknowledgement of my contribution.  That goes with the
territory, I'm afraid.  Sometimes I get down-hearted, but for the most part
I enjoy what I do and am pleased when I hear that others also enjoy it.  I
admit that getting a 'thank you' once in a while is very gratifying, but it
is not my motivation.

Jill in Milton Keynes, UK

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