What a lovely email to read for any of us who have never attended anything like this before. A bit like having a peek in a lovely sweetie (candy) shop window. Although I enjoy reading about the conventions this is the first email that has ever really made me feel that it might be a lovely thing to do, so thank you for sharing so much of your experience with us all Jane.
Sue T Dorset UK

Jane wrote (and more)
.  Once you go you will always want to go!

I live in Lincoln, NE USA and I traveled to Sacramento, CA on Amtrak. It was a long trip but I enjoyed it thoroughly. I downloaded some audio books from the library onto my iPad so I could listen while I rode - tatted some, cross-stitched some, stared out

In the afternoon, I took the tatting class with Randy and Gary Houtz. What fun! I met them quite a few years ago but hadn’t taken a class from them. There were 14 in that class. We learned a different technique every day. Finished each motif on my return home trip on the train. Once again, they make sure they get to everyone so you can learn lots.

I’m always in awe at the Teacher’s Display night. That would be my dream - to be able to make most of those laces and do them well. (There are some techniques that I am
not as fond of as others, but, boy, do I appreciate the work!)
Jane Nelson
Lincoln Lacemakers
Lincoln, NE  USA

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