Fellow Spiders, 
I have been enjoying my complete set of Madiera Tanne 50 that  I bought 
many years ago in order to have a huge palette of colors for creative  work in 
bobbin lace. But unfortunately, some colors are becoming depleted and  
Madiera Tanne 50  is no longer being made. I asked Holly Van Sciver about a  
replacement that would serve the same purpose and she said that she thought 
 DMC Cotton Machine Embroidery Thread, size 50 weight, (Broder Machine) was 
 what I was looking for, but that she did not carry it. This is a 100% 
cotton  thread in many colors. My impression from speaking to her was that the  
thread was so generic and universally available that it wasn't something 
that a  vendor who dealt in difficult to obtain specialty lace threads would 
want to  carry, so I didn't think it would be too hard to find it.
However, the store locater at the DMC website is useless  since it only 
tells you what stores carry any DMC product, such as the  universally available 
floss. In fact, after visiting Michael's Craft  store to see if their DMC 
offerings included DMC Cotton Machine  Embroidery Thread, it seemed to me 
that the DMC locater was more likely to  produce red herrings in the form of 
cheap craft stores, and high end embroidery  stores than to yield the thread I 
was looking for. 
I contacted DMC via the questions area of their website,  although they are 
physically located in Elizabeth, NJ, but a stone's throw  from my house, in 
an effort to find out if I could buy the thread locally. My  (hopelessly 
outdated?) concept was that it would be nice to walk into  a store, look at 
the thread, and buy a few spools, since what I think we are  talking about 
here is what used to be just cotton sewing thread such as we all  bought for 
sewing back in the day. Maybe I am wrong. Of course, now sewing  thread is 
polyester, so not necessarily what you want for heirloom (?) bobbin  lace. I 
was hoping that I would not have to get involved in mail order. After a  
prolonged email correspondence with DMC which included them sending to me  via 
snail mail a nice brochure with a color chart confirming that there are a  lot 
of lovely colors in the Machine Embroidery line, DMC told me to call a 
phone  number in Florida for a place called Hamburg House and that they would 
able  to tell me where to buy the thread. I called the number and they were 
utterly  puzzled about why it had been given to me, since they are only 
fellow customers  of DMC. We had a good laugh.
Not deterred, I called a quilting  store that I know of, but they only have 
hand quilting thread. I asked the  quilting store lady about whether she 
thought Jo-Ann fabrics would have it,  and the woman at the quilting store 
said she knew for a fact that Jo-Ann didn't  carry any DMC, only Coats and 
Clark. I have tried to call Jo Ann fabrics,  the nearest one being somewhat 
farther than I want to drive on spec, but they  didn't answer the phone. Nearer 
to me, it seems that most of the fabric stores  are ones that sell only 
upholstery fabrics.
I would be grateful for any thoughts about where DMC Cotton  Machine 
Embroidery thread could be found, as I am beginning to think that I  am 
overlooking some obvious source. Also, if anyone has tried the  thread for 
bobbin lace, is the search actually worthwhile?

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