What an incredible amount of help this request has generated!  I have
learned so much. Thanks to everyone who responded, many of whom responded

Although I had been pursuing the thread before, I had stepped  up my
efforts this week because I am going to a contemporary lace class this
that invited people to bring thread to experiment with.

Sifting through the information that I have received, I am  planning to
call a few stores and see if I can find the Aurifil, or failing  that, the
Mettler, although one source said the Mettler 60 sometimes untwisted  and then
shredded during sewings. Incredibly, the Aurifil website says  explicitly
under the heading "lace", "50 weight is a wonder for both bobbin lace  and
machine lace."

I was wondering about the threads that are 3 ply. I once did a  piece of
needle lace with a three ply thread and it didn't turn out well. It  curled
up. I have had sort of a prejudice against 3 ply threads since then, so  the
two ply threads that Brenda confirms squash down sound more appealing to me
than the three ply ones, even though this isn't needle lace.
According to the DMC website, "DMC developed a left twist  thread which is
ideally suited on all makes of sewing machine". I was wondering  if this was
a claim that had any special significance for the makers of bobbin  lace,
since everyone confirms it to be a good thread for bobbin lace. Or perhaps
all machine embroidery thread is left twist, whatever that means.

The Aurifil claims to have 270 colors, whereas the DMC claims  to have 132
according to my brochure.
An undated internet article ominously entitled The Notorious  DMC Machine
Embroidery Thread Situation...

reveals that DMC had eliminated about half of its 250 colors  in the number
50 Cotton Machine Embroidery thread at some point.

Many of my sources confided to me that they frequent garage  sales trying
to buy second hand partially used spools of DMC Machine Embroidery  thread.
Some report delight at buying a stash at a going out of business sale  for a
quilt store or finding some while on vacation in another country.  Others
report sorrow at the closure of a store that once carried the  thread.  I find
this alarming on two fronts. One is that it looks like the  thread is
increasingly unavailable and unsupported by DMC, the other is that the  thread
so desirable that people are scouring garage sales, going out of  business
sales, and diving into needlework stores while on vacation to find the
thread. It must be some great thread. No one has a bad word to say about it.

I have the complete set of Madiera Tanne, much of it never  used, but some
colors, notably a particularly useful green, run out. I really  enjoy going
to this stash and experimenting with the colors. But with likely  downsizing
in the future, I was hoping to find a thread that I could, while in  the
throws of creative excitement, visually inspect in a store, not via a  printed
or digital color card,  and then buy the colors that I thought went
together and buy only them. What a novel idea, but perhaps  unrealistic.

Thanks to all for your help in this line of  inquiry!

In a message dated 3/17/2015 6:48:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
paternos...@appleshack.com writes:

Hi Devon

Madeira Tanne - 2Z-39 w/cm.
DMC Broder Machine - 2Z-42 w/cm

The only other current threads in the same sort of thickness and  available
in colours, that I know of, are:
Aurifil Mako 50wt - 2Z-40w/cm

Superior Threads Masterpiece - which I have listed as 2Z-38 w/cm, but
according to their website only the pre-wound bobbins (sewing machine bobbins)
are 50/2.  The reels and cones are 50/3, I haven’t yet seen any of  that


I  have been enjoying my complete set of Madiera Tanne 50 that  I  bought
many  years ago in order to have a huge palette of colors for creative
work  in
bobbin  lace. But unfortunately, some colors are becoming depleted and
Madiera  Tanne 50  is no longer being made. I asked Holly Van Sciver about
replacement  that would serve the same purpose and she said that she
thought that
DMC  Cotton Machine Embroidery Thread, size 50 weight, (Broder Machine) was
what  I was looking for, but that she did not carry  it.

Brenda  in Allhallows
_paternoster@appleshack.com_ (mailto:paternos...@appleshack.com)


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