Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

We have come a long way since the Simpson saga as far as book,
television, and movie deals go haven't we?  They wouldn't allow Faye
Resnick, or Jill Snively to testify because one wrote a book and another
went to Hard Copy.  Then there was the knife salesmen who sold their
story to the Enquirer.  Now it doesn't seem to matter if someone makes a
buck off of the case or not, their testimony is still allowed.  

I agree that she seemed very believable on 60 Minutes.

I saw Jone's sister and brother in law on Geraldo yesterday along with
Susan Carpenter whatever.  I still don't go along with Jone's story, and
really feel for what the two (Jones and Susan) of them have done to
Jone's mother and whole family over this.  

> HI Kathy,
> It seems to me that you make similar assumptions in your choice to
> believe Willey. I thought she was the most credible accuser of Clinton so
> far, but the recent information we have seen after her 60 Minutes
> interview has really posed some questions with respect to her
> credibility.
> It is just as easy to make assumptions that she was disappointed that
> Clinton had not taken care of her better in the sense of getting her a
> high paying job so she found a better way to make money by lying to hype
> up a book she is writing.
> It seems that there are numerous people like Willey in both major parties
> who have no real talents of their own but somehow latch on to the power
> politicians in each party and try to get into lucrative positions as a
> result of their working on campaigns.
> I would like to see these accusers subjected to hostile cross examination
> in court before I really draw a conclusion about whether they are telling
> the truth.  It's very easy to construct body language and other
> believable traits during a gentle and sympathetic interview on 60
> Minutes.  Especially if they have been coached.
> Bill

May the leprechauns be near you to spread luck along your way.  And may
all the Irish angels smile upon you this St. Patrick's Day.

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