Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bennet's first spin was that the President didn't remember the meeting
with Kathleen, the president said the opposite, he said he had a very
clear memory of the meeting. I haven't read Ms. Steele's depo as of yet,
I'm going to try to read those this weekend :)

Concerning the amount of money asked, well isn't it common sense if you
owe money that you would want to make enough to pay off your debt? Don't
most people do that? I think so.

moonshine wrote:
> Mornin' Kathy,
>    Considering this situation I think it does. It's the timing that troubles me.
> Also the amount that she sought. She owes $272,000 and the last figure she
> was seeking was $300,000. mmmmmm!
>    What lie did Bennet say? Did Ms.Steele lie in her avadavite?
> ...Mac
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either"
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