[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 07:09:46 -0500 moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E wrote:
>> Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Hi Mac :)
>> I have been watching the news on the book deal and such, yet I am 
>> again does writing a book automatically cast doubt on a person? I 
>> thought it did and I can't help but wonder why it suddenly does now? 
>> all authors have credibility problems? That's something new to me.
>Mornin' Kathy,
>   Considering this situation I think it does. It's the timing that 
>troubles me.
>Also the amount that she sought. She owes $272,000 and the last figure 
>was seeking was $300,000. mmmmmm!
>   What lie did Bennet say? Did Ms.Steele lie in her avadavite?

HI Mac,

I agree.  It was HER attorney who approached the publisher about a book
deal that would be an autobiography and WOULD INCLUDE HER ACCOUNT OF
CLINTON'S SEXUAL ADVANCES.  Now, how much interest do you think there
would be in a book that did not include that or that told how Clinton
always behaved like a gentleman? Would the fact that she is in debt
motivate her to lie or exaggerate to hype the book? Her lawyer even made
the comment that the 60 Minutes appearance would help sell the book. 
This is sufficient to destroy her credibility in many people's minds.


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